Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from BabyBoomerDolls! 

Well, the new year is here, a new page has turned…for some it is a time of hope, for others a time for resolutions, and still something different for someone else.  What does a new year mean to you?  

For BabyBoomerDolls, the new year holds many new possibilities and changes.  Not all things will happen immediately, but the groundwork is being put into place for the future.  It is an exciting time and holds great hope for the days and months to come.  I am both amazed and humbled at the wonderful things BBD experienced in this past year.  It was such a blessing to me in what might have otherwise have been a very dark time.  I met hundreds of new friends and developed relationships with people all over the world.  I have experienced seeing and learning about new dolls and their origins.  I have been amazed at the talent that is out there! Yet at the end of the day, we all wanted the same thing…..”Let’s Talk Dolls”…..

We found common ground in the most simple of things…a doll!  We have built a community amongst ourselves in that we now call one another by our first names. We are friends.   We know one another’s pets and children.  Often times, we know when another is experiencing a difficult time due to sickness of a family member or a like situation.  We look forward to sharing a new technique or that new doll that the postman has just delivered.  We are in a friendly place and can share (even if just for a few minutes a day or once a week – whatever your time schedule allows) the pleasant, little victories that the day has given each of us. We share a brief respite from the hectic lives we lead daily.   In today’s world, what a WONDERFUL community to be a part of!  

I am so excited that at this time in my life,  I am able to take my lifelong love for dolls and nurture  it to grow into the passion it has become.   Something that has been a hobby to me  for many years has evolved into a boundless enthusiasm!  It hasn’t been easy and has required long hours of hard work and planning, but it has brought me so much joy!  I hope along the way, our time together has brought you brief moments of joy also.   It has stretched my capabilities, my creativity, and my imagination just to name a few things.  Those of you who have shared this time with me, I thank you and hope you will continue to be a part of this.  To those of you who have not yet discovered the joy of doll collecting and the enjoyment it offers, I invite you to join us.  

It makes no difference if you have collected for 40 years and have a massive collection or if you are just beginning to collect.   No matter where you call home or your station in life, we all have at least one common thread – the delight of a doll.  

We would love for you to join us!  “Let’s Talk Dolls!”


